Protection against gas poisoning. What’s important to know?
Both houses and public utility buildings are equipped with power systems most commonly fueled by natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas. These gases are predominantly used in heating appliances. If they stop working properly, the gas can leak to rooms or offices. One of such gases is carbon monoxide, which is produced as a result of incomplete combustion in heating stoves and boilers. If smoke ducts or the construction of a stove or boiler is leaky, the gas will be released from heating appliances.
Carbon monoxide is not detected by human senses because it is odourless. There have been many deadly cases of carbon monoxide poisoning reported. Even a small concentration of it can lead to death. Every year fire departments respond to CO incidents which significantly intensify during the heating season. The best method of limiting CO poisoning risk is to maintain heating appliances in the best possible condition as well as to inspect chimneys and vent ducts. Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are a very important additional benefit which enhances safety levels.
If there is a gas leak in appliances or installation, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas can explode. Natural gas is lighter than air, whereas liquefied petroleum gas is heavier than air. An explosion can take place as a result of flashovers, hot surfaces or open fire.
The gases differ greatly: the natural gas has bigger explosion limits, whereas liquefied petroleum gas has significantly lower limits; the temperature of combusting and auto-combusting also vary. While these are not poisonous substances, their harmfulness stems from the fact that they displace oxygen. They are intoxicating in high concentrations. Since they are odourless, an aromatic substance is added to ensure that a leakage can be immediately detected.
Protection agency A.W.S.B. Hektor – property protection warsaw